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5 tips for adventure buddies

Updated: Feb 13, 2018

1. Research

Although much of the experience of going backpacking should be the spontaneity and freedom of movement, this does not mean that you should stop researching your destination or destinations. Taking a look at travel guides will help you get inspired to structure your trip and at the same time, it will make you even more eager to embark on the adventure.

2. Use your head when packing

A good backpacker (like everyone else) has to abide by the restrictions of airline luggage, and also has to pack thinking that he/she will have to carry the backpack more than a common tourist. So, use your head when packing. Do you really need 40 pairs of socks? 10 books? 9 tubes of moisturiser cream? Remember that even if you’re abroad you can still use laundry and buy cleaning products or cosmetics, so save room for the things that really matter. And although you might have a tight budget, things like a digital book reader or tablet will save much space. Likewise, the way you pack your bag, can save you time. Store the essentials (the things you use the most) on top, so you can access them without having to undo the whole backpack.

5. How to eat

You’ll be visiting many places and it is normal that you want to taste new things. How can you fit the budget with all that delicious food tempting you? It would be great to always eat at good restaurants but also very expensive. Treat yourself and eat in some cool place from time to time, but we suggest that most of the time you try street food (in South-east Asia and Latin America it is delicious) or buy in the supermarket and cook at the hostel where you are staying at. This last one actually, is one of the best ways to start a conversation with other travellers.

6. Do not waste long journeys

It may be easy to disconnect during long trips but it is usually a fabulous opportunity to enjoy the experience. If the person sitting next to you seems interesting, you can try to talk to him/her. Whether they are local or traveller too, they can give you some good advice. If they do not look very open, take advantage of those long journeys to write a travel journal with your impressions about the trip, to consult a travel guide, and to make up your mind on what you want to see in your next destination.

7. Talk to people

Backpackers can be described in different ways. While some relate only to their countrymen, there are also those who solely want to talk to the local people. Both have positives and negatives. Ideally combine the two attitudes and enjoy the ride. While travellers may give you advice on what they have seen, interacting with the locals can be incredibly useful.. as well as enriching.

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